The Waldorf School of San Diego celebrates NATIONAL GARDENING WEEK!

National Gardening Week is celebrated June 6 – 12, 2021 – and gives us an opportunity to encourage pride in your community by tending, planting, and celebrating gardens of all sorts and sizes.

This year, we want to really celebrate the near-complete restoration of our community garden. And thanks to a great timelapse video, you can see just how much the garden transformed from October 2020 through June 2021.

At the Waldorf School of San Diego, our lower school campus is home to a beautiful and thriving Community Garden. Children in grades 1 – 8 regularly take part in gardening classes, with preschoolers and kindergarteners enjoying fresh fruits and vegetables from time to time. Middle schoolers often assist in the design and construction of raised garden beds, greenhouse maintenance, and more detailed projects.

Go for a virtual stroll through the Waldorf School of San Diego garden with Madame Womble, Gardening Teacher and Master Herbalist.

Immersing students in natural settings through our gardening helps lay the foundation for students’ growing understanding and appreciation of the world around them. The prime purpose of these studies is to develop an awareness and reverence for the splendor, beauty, order, and mystery of life, in all its manifestations. Conservation and protection of the environment, including recycling, are integral studies.

The Waldorf School of San Diego strongly values environmental responsibility and sustainable practices. This is evident not only throughout the curriculum but in all aspects of school management and the physical school environment. The School uses natural products, as much as possible, for building and construction, as well as for cleaning and student materials. Environmental studies are incorporated into many aspects of the curriculum, with specific focus in areas such as geography, science, creative arts, and the Gardening Programs.

The profound relationship that develops as our students grow, care for, and harvest their plants completes the full cycle when these students nourish themselves with the food they have grown. Some gardening sessions conclude with classes cleaning, preparing, and chopping fruits and vegetables harvest for donations to a local food security project, The City Heights Community Fridge. Our community garden is now an official member of Zones 9 & 10 Seed Exchange.

Whether tending to your home garden or supporting the Waldorf School of San Diego community garden, happy National Gardening Week!

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