Explore the Future of Innovation

WSSD Senior Projects Showcase

Join us in celebrating the creativity and dedication of our senior students as they present their capstone projects, showcasing their journey of learning and discovery.

The WSSD Senior Projects program is a cornerstone of our educational philosophy, offering students the opportunity to delve deeply into a subject of their choice. This program not only highlights the culmination of their academic journey but also fosters critical thinking, creativity, and independence. At The Waldorf School of San Diego, we believe in nurturing each student’s unique potential, preparing them for a future of lifelong learning and contribution to society.


Our Presenting Seniors

Meet our seniors and get brief a description of their end-of-year projects.

Galia Bielaz

The Key to a Long Life: (Longevity and its Ties to an Alkaline-Forming Diet)

In a time where there is so much conflicting information on diet and wellness, this project aims to focus on one aspect of it. The purpose here is to turn information into a tool that gives people confidence over their own health and body. Given the chance to live a long, happy, purposeful life, would you take it? My project explores longevity and the nutrition that supports it. An important part of this nutrition is eating alkaline foods that help our body with its natural processes and cell health. What we eat is something we can control, so, why not learn to?

Aili Buescher

More Than Milk: The Full Story Behind Infant Feeding

My senior project puts a magnifying glass to the physical; emotional; discriminatory; and nutritional challenges, expectations, and stories within infant feeding, while zooming out to show their connections to personal, governmental, and societal movements.

Through my project I’ve had the privilege of interviewing mothers, doulas, lactation consultants, public health workers, nurses, and feeding specialists, and from each story I have been given images regarding infant feeding that need more visibility. From these images I am working to create a calendar because the narratives, advertisements, and stigmatizations within infant feeding have been supported by imagery for so long.

Zachary Gardner

Common Player Injuries in the NFL: An Analysis of Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

I love sports, and wanted the focus of my Senior Project to be something related to sports. Since football is my favorite sport I decided to research some of the most common injuries experienced by NFL players. My research included identifying the causes of the injuries and the most typical types of treatment. I’m interested in learning if there are ways players could prevent having the injuries in the first place, so I worked with two personal trainers to learn about exercises that can help prevent injuries. I then learned how to perform the exercises myself and will demonstrate during my presentation.

Lincoln Goddard & Kai Mora Murillo

The Process Behind Music Creation

A very interesting presentation about the process behind musical production. A deep dive into the experience, ideas and challenges found while creating music. The focus is to prioritize the action of showing who you are in music and what you can accomplish.

Ayden Gray Meisner & Benjamin Miller-Felix

Ultra Detailing: Starting Your Own Business

In our sophomore year of high school, we launched Ultra Detailing, an auto detailing business driven by a passion for cars and entrepreneurship. Over the past three years, we have grown from a small side hustle into a somewhat-established but far from perfect operation, refining our services, marketing strategies, and customer relationships. Our business provided us with hands-on experience in managing finances as well as our problem solving and people skills. This senior project highlights our journey, the challenges we overcame, and the key lessons we’ve learned in running a successful business while balancing school and other commitments.

Sophia Haiman

The Exploration of Crochet

For my senior project I explored the history of crochet and the psychology behind it. Additionally, I’ve been creating handmade pieces that I will be selling on a website and exploring ways to create a small business.

Eleanor Miller

Homelessness Through the Lens of Art

For my senior project, I wanted to raise awareness of the homelessness crisis in San Diego by painting portraits of some of the folks who live in my neighborhood. Through a local food pantry, I met and had conversations with many unhoused men and women and photographed those who were interested in being involved in my project. From there, I created portraits from the photos, which I hope to exhibit to the public. I hope that my project will foster compassion and encourage people to have conversations about housing challenges in our own backyard and grapple with our tendency to look away.

Alda Oskarsdottir

Exploring the Mind-Body Connection in Modern Medicine

My senior project is about the study of holistic approaches to injuries within the mind and body. I shadowed a personal trainer who was focused on restoring movement and confidence to athletes through individualized programs, and various types of holistic healing. I interviewed professionals in physical therapy, massage therapy, and integrative medicine, learning about connection between mind, body, and emotional health within each field. I have deepened my understanding of alternative medicine, patient care, and the importance of combining traditional and holistic practices for an innovative approach to healing.

Isabella Spriggs

Child Development through the Lens of Waldorf Pedagogy

For my senior project, I interned with Mary Carmichael, education support faculty at the WSSD lower school, to learn and observe how Waldorf education views child development. Throughout the experience I assisted in preparing remedial exercises, recording observations of interactions, and engaging in independent research. One of my focal points was understanding the use of ‘Person-House-Tree’ drawings, a tool Waldorf educators use to evaluate developmental stages in a child. I also investigated the four senses—touch, life, movement, and balance—and how they add to the and shape a child’s overall development and so much more! 

My project allowed me to gain valuable insights into Waldorf’s holistic approach to learning and deepen my understanding of how these educational methods are applied in real-world settings.

Valter Vilcans

Agricultural Engineering

While staying at my grandma’s farm over past summers the main work for every day was picking off Colorado Potato Beetle larvae from every potato plant in the field. For my senior project I designed an autonomous and eco-friendly pest-control system for Colorado Potato Beetles so that my grandma may finally bring peace to her potato field without the need to fight every day.


Venus Wah

Interning with a Mental Health Academy

For my senior project, I will be presenting on the internship I completed at a mental health academy. I’ll be sharing my experiences and providing an overview of the internship. Additionally, I’ll showcase pictures and activities I was involved in during my time there. This internship has helped me realize the numerous career opportunities that lie ahead.

Kobe Mendoza, Donovan Morris and Andrew Doan

Tech and Logistics Crew

What Our Community Says

“The Senior Projects are a testament to our students’ potential. They encourage innovation and critical thinking, preparing them for future challenges.”

Chelaine Kokos

Senior Class Mentor

“I was amazed by the creativity and depth of the projects. It’s inspiring to see students tackle complex topics with such enthusiasm.”

Ian Serrano Cuevas

Marketing & Communications Manager