The Waldorf School of San Diego

Statement of Learning Support

Empowering Every Learner

At the Waldorf School of San Diego, we value the unique capabilities of every student and instruct in manners that support and honor a diversity of learning profiles. Our diverse pedagogical approach allows us to meet the needs of students who are strong auditory and logical learners and also those who learn best kinesthetically and through visual experiences. We also recognize that some students have learning needs that are beyond what the faculty and staff at WSSD have training to provide. For this reason, and with the success of each student in mind, we emphasize open conversations with families regarding learning needs early in our application process and during all periods of learning observation and assessment. 

At the time of admission, we ask families to share details regarding current or past IEPs along with any learning assessments or evaluations. We personally interview every student and may also ask that a student be evaluated by an outside agency (at a cost to the family) and share these results with us. Based on the results of these assessments, faculty and staff will consider the feasibility of proposed modifications, therapeutic treatments, and academic or other learning supports. In some cases, outside support services may be recommended which would be an additional cost to the student’s family. 

WSSD retains the sole discretion to decide whether to enroll a student or continue enrollment as well as the conditions for continued enrollment. We consider all influencing factors in these decisions, including the availability of resources, the demands on the faculty and staff, and the impacts on the learning experience of other students in the class and school community.

Accommodations that may be considered for students with learning needs, include:

  • Preferential seating
  • Reduced workload
  • Extended time for work
  • Teacher or peer notes, if available
  • Time made available to a student’s tutor or therapist to discuss classroom performance
  • Modification of assignments or due dates
  • Support plans for academic or behavioral needs

WSSD does not provide:

  • Individual Education Plans (IEPs) or accommodations outlined in IEPs
  • Educational or psychological evaluations
  • Constant monitoring or one-on-one instruction or attention
  • Exemption from major course requirements, including homework and class attendance
  • Program modifications that are not compatible with our educational philosophy 
  • Adaptive testing that avoids course requirements or skills taught in class
  • Adaptive aids such as laptop computers (in grades 6 and below) or amplification devices
  • Interpreters

Please note that specialized services needed or required to qualify or maintain enrollment at WSSD including, speech, occupational or physical therapy, remedial programs, tutoring and nursing care are always the financial responsibility of the family.

It is our experience that parents/caregivers play a crucial role in student success, and this is especially true for students with learning needs. Student success is greatly enhanced when parents/caregivers understand and value the philosophy underlying Waldorf education, understand the nature and intention of our curriculum, recognize the strengths and limitations of our school, and cooperate to provide information or support services that may be necessary. 

Regular communication between parents/caregivers and faculty is critical to the success of students with learning needs. We expect that parents/caregivers of students who require learning support openly disclose the student’s educational and behavioral history, update the school of changes, and respond in a timely manner to phone calls, emails, requests for conferences, information, assessments, or outside support services such as counseling and tutorial help.

We find that students with learning needs, like every student at our school, achieve the highest level of success when the values and approach of Waldorf education are supported in their home life. At WSSD, we endeavor for student’s home life to include rhythm and consistency; free and unstructured play; time in nature; nourishing snacks and meals; and regular and adequate sleep. We believe, and research supports, that screen time, media, and gaming, along with a diet heavy in processed foods and sugar, and an overscheduled week with too many extracurricular activities, and not enough sleep, will hinder healthy development and can also create challenges at school.

Requirements for Applicants to WSSD Early Childhood Programs

We have found that children are most successful at integrating into our early childhood communities once they have reached these developmental milestones. We ask that these capacities are secure or emerging in your child before we proceed to an interview for enrollment. Please recognize that our faculty and staff may not have the appropriate training and/or our classroom student to teacher ratios may not support children who require significant support. We ask that parents/caregivers work in partnership with us if professional assessments are necessary for a child.

  • Able to follow one-step instruction from multiple adults, not just their preferred adult
  • Able to listen to a story for 5 to15 minutes for preschool and 10 to 20 minutes for kindergarten
  • Able to join group activity
  • Shows interest in social play
  • Can communicate either with words or sign language
  • Toilets independently
  • Dresses themselves
  • Reasonably independent during transitions
  • Capable of managing conflicts with a minimum of aggressive physical or verbal behaviors
  • Open and able to allow teacher and child co-regulation
  • Able to stay with the group throughout the rhythm of the day