Stewardship to the Environment: a Zero Waste Student Shares

Stewardship to the Environment: a Zero Waste Student Shares

The word, “zero waste,” means to produce no waste. So, for my family, it means that if we can’t reuse it, compost it or recycle it, we will refuse it and just not buy it. So, when you have extra food scraps, you compost it, or when you’re at the store and you could choose between paper or plastic, you would pick paper. We do everything other people do like shop, eat at restaurants, wear makeup and travel, we just make conscious decisions to reduce our carbon footprint at the same time.

PEP (Parent Education Program)

Parent Education Program (PEP) OUR PODCAST WSSD Parent Education WSSD has created the Parent Education Program (PEP) to educate prospective and current parents on the Waldorf Way, now in podcast form! We will have guest teachers and members of our community join the...
The Magic of Soup Day by Laura Ford

The Magic of Soup Day by Laura Ford

Ms. Laura Ford shared some insight on what Soup Day is at the Waldorf School of San Diego.  She, along with Ms. Penman and Ms. Sandelin, opened up their kitchens and classrooms to allow us to capture some of the imagery and wonderful smells & flavors. Snack is an...