by Ian Cuevas | Sep 9, 2023 | Community
This premiere event has already happened. But, we will be screening again at the Mingei as part of their Creative Mondays series on February 5th! We will have a different panel to answer questions and some samples of student work. Please join us! The Waldorf School...
by Andrew Holets | May 6, 2021 | Community, Early Childhood, Family, Waldorf School Curriculum
May Day is a Northern Hemisphere festival (and is also called International Workers’ Day) and is celebrated in many Waldorf schools. It is an ancient tradition of celebrating the arrival of summer. Known as Beltane in Celtic lands, and celebrated by the Romans...
by Andrew Holets | Apr 20, 2021 | Community, Early Childhood, Family, Health & Wellness, Waldorf School Curriculum
When my children were young (they are now 25 and 27) there were a few essential herbs that we were never without at home and in our garden. I would reach for them time and again as a natural treatment when dealing with common childhood illnesses as they were...
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